Sunday 25 June 2023

Match 4 Ireland vs Peru

Ireland 14

Peru 9


A strong third  quarter was enough for Ireland to see off Peru and finish top of their group in San Diego.


It was Peru who opened the scoring 2 minutes into the tie. Straight from the faceoff Ireland had levelled through Conor Foley. With five minutes gone in the opening period Tadhg O’ Riordan gave Ireland the lead after a period of sustained pressure .Tv time out. Peru levelled the tie again as both attacks were causing damage. With four minutes left foley stepped up again to give Ireland the advantage again, The game was levelled within a minute again as Peru looked dangerous.. In the final play of the opening  quarter Ireland took the lead when Aidan Dempsey found the net. After a pass from Patrick Corbett.

Within four minutes of the restart the tie was level again after this Ireland started to gain a bit more control with Corbett and Dempsey both netting again in between a Peru effort . This left the minimum between the sides at half time

The third quarter was all Ireland as Corbett finished his hat trick inside three minutes. Conor Kelly then pulled off a fine save in goal before Ireland gained complete control. After the timeout Ireland went on a scoring spree scoring five goals with a solitary response from the opposition. Thomas Burke netted his first of the day before O’ Riordan doubled his account. Paddy Corbett was on fire firing in two more goals before Peru responded down the other end. The final goal of the term came from Kevin Sommerville who powered through to extend his sides lead.

The final quarter was nearly a carbon copy as after an early Foley goal Peru mounted a mini comeback. They fired in three goals to make a contest out of it with seven minutes left. This was until Corbett stepped up with five minutes to go to finish the scoring and ensure his side victory



Ireland:Conor Kelly,Ruairi Dunbar,Tiernan Donovan ,Tadhg O'Riordan,Thomas Burke,Patrick McShane,Luke Palmadesso,Sean Gibson,Kevin Somerville,Conor Foley,Luke Maloney ,Gearoid Dunbar,Conor Shears,James Fennessy,Joe Walsh,Andy Meyers, Jack Galvin,Brady Morin,Patrick Corbett,Brendan Boles,Brian Smyth,Pat Smyth,Aidan Dempsey

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